Tuesday 6 October 2009

Info about P1 Wimax

p1 Wimax not that stable

1. Using p1 wimax broadband. Cannot login some of the website. Some time event the www.p1.com.my also can not login. But other using ISP can log in.

2. P1 Wimax have cache on their server. Some time we visit the website is not the latest website. Some of the website that we visit is five days ago. But other ISP don't have this issue.

3. Upload speed to the ftp server is slower than dial up modem.

Now we know why the P1 wimax come out the 24 month package get free modem. Because P1 wimax afraid you run away, so bond your 2 years



At 6 October 2009 at 23:29 , Anonymous James said...

Eh, if you need your broadband pimped, try this contest la :)


At 7 October 2009 at 00:16 , Anonymous e-jump said...

oh okey i will try it


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